Immortalizing funeral flowers
A funeral is often framed by beautiful flowers. A token of love and appreciated for our loved one that passed.
It is now possible to immortalize these flowers using modern preservation techniques. This can provide consolation and become a tangible memory for friends and family.
Our partner “De Bruyn Bloempreparatie” is an expert in these techniques. With over 40 years of experience, they are the largest custom flower preserver in Western Europe.
Flowers in resin

Thanks to modern preservation techniques it is now possible to immortalize flowers in resin. This can preserve the flower’s beauty for years to come. A resin casting is a sustainable yet tasteful container for precious flowers.
You could also include cremated remains or a personal item in the casting.
Conserving one or more flowers
Preserve one or more flowers as a tangible memory of a dignified parting. Preservation makes it possible for all family members to keep a comforting floral piece of art in their home.
Reach out to the specialists at “De Bruyn Bloempreparatie.” for more information or to make an order.
How it works?

Post the flowers or drop them off at our atelier in Oss.

The Process
The flowers are dried immediately to keep them safe. The drying process can slightly alter the shade of the flowers.

Almost all preserved flowers can be posted (NL and BE) or sent back through the High Care courier service (NL).

De Bruyn Bloempreparatie
Hoogheuvelstraat 119
5349 AM Oss
Phone 0412 622 208